Simple machines Simple machine:- Such a device, with the help of which can do more work in less time by applying a less force, is called an simple machine. Eit the help of these instruments, the work becomes simple; Such as pulley jack, lever etc. Power or effort:- The force we exert on the machine to do the work is called Power or Effort, it is written by the letter P. Load or weight :- The force used by the machine to overcome the obstruction or resistance of the object is called load. It is written by w. Mechanical advantage:- Mechanical advantage is the ratio of the load and power or effort taken by the machine. Mechanical advantage = load : effort M.A. = load/ effort = W/P Velocity ratio :- Velocity ratio is the ratio of distance (D) traveled by machine effort (p) and distance (d) traveled by load (W). V.R =...