Heat and its unit
Heat :- It is a form of energy. Heat energy can be transformed into other forms of energies. Heat flows from a hotter body to a colder body. Units of heat:- Calorie :- It is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1°C. Kilo calorie :- It is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilo gram of water through 1°C. 1 kilo calorie = 1000 calories B.Th.U:- It is the quantity of heat required to raise 1 lb of water through 1°F. (British thermal unit). 1 B.Th.U= 252 calorie C.H.U :- It is the quantity of heat required to raise 1 lb of water through 1°C.( centigrade heat unit). Joule : S.I. Unit (1 Calorie = 4.186 joule) 1C.H.U = 453.6 calorie 1 C.HC. = 9/5 B.Th.U = 1.8 B.Th.U Calorimeter :- The instrument used to measure heat is called calorimeter. Effects of heat:- • Change in temperature • Change in size • Change in state • Change...