

होली के खूबसुरत रंगों की तरह आप को और आप के पूरे परिवार को हमारी तरफ से बहुत बहुत रंगों भरी उमंग भरी शुभकामनायें फूलों ने खिलना छोड़ दिया तारों ने चमकना छोड़ दिया होली में बाकि है कई दिन फिर भी आपने अभी से नहाना क्यों छोड़ दिया।। Happy Holi रंगों के त्यौहार में सभी रंगों की हो भरमार ढेर सारी खुशियां से भरा हो आपका संसार यही दुआ है भगवान् से हमारी हर बार होली मुबारक हो मेरे यार


Image                         ELECTRICITY Electricity is a type of energy that cannot be seen with the eyes, but its effects are known by its presence.  Electrons pass through the wires through the electrical conductive material.  The conductors act as medium in transporting the material from one place to another.   In today's modern era, the use of electricity has become excessive and every little work is also being done through electricity.  Even if we look around us, the use of electricity will be seen more.  Electricity is used in    1.HEAT : - Heat can be generated with the help of electricity.  Such as heaters, electric furnaces, welding, soldering, iron, presses, electric cookers etc.  2. LIGHTING:-   Bulb flashlight tubelight, fancy light, motor, vehicle light etc.   3. POWER:-   Rail...

Simple machines

Image Simple machine:- Such a device, with the help of which can do more work in less time by applying a less force, is called an simple machine. Eit the help of these instruments, the work becomes simple;  Such as pulley jack, lever etc. Power or effort:-                 The force we exert on the machine to do the work is called Power or Effort, it is written by the letter P. Load or weight :- The force used by the machine to overcome the obstruction or resistance of the object is called load.  It is written by w. Mechanical advantage:- Mechanical advantage is the ratio of the load and power or effort taken by the machine.  Mechanical advantage = load : effort M.A. = load/ effort      =  W/P Velocity ratio :- Velocity ratio is the ratio of distance (D) traveled by machine effort (p) and distance (d) traveled by load (W). V.R =...

Centre of gravity

Image    Center of  gravity :-                         center of gravity  (CG) of an object is the point at which weight is evenly dispersed and all sides are in balance.  A human's  center of gravity  can change as he takes on different positions, but in many other objects, it's a fixed location. Gravitation:- The mutual attractive force of bodies due to which they  attract each other is called gravitation. 1.Gravity:- The attractive force of the earth due to which it attracts all  bodies towards its centre is called gravity. The value of gravity varies from place to place on the ground  surface. Its general value is 9.81 m/s2. Centroid:- Different geometrical shapes such as the circle, triangle  and rectangle are plane figures having only 2-dimensions. They are also known as laminas. They hav...